PHG Annual Conference – Healthy futures: genomics and beyond

‘Healthy futures: genomics and beyond’

Date: 28 November 2017

Location: Clare College, Cambridge

 In November an international line up of pioneers in personalised healthcare innovation will explore how science, technology and social change are transforming healthcare today. Join us for this journey to the frontiers of modern medicine – and beyond – and find solutions to the policy and practical challenges ahead.

What to expect:

  • Nation’s top doctor, Prof Dame Sally Davies (England’s Chief Medical Officer) will speak on creating a national genomic medicine service
  • Keynote – Prof Sue Hill (Chief Scientific Officer)
  • Keynote – Dr Robert C Green (Director, Genomes2People Research Programme & Professor of Medicine – Genetics, Harvard Medical School)
  • Answers to pertinent policy, people and practical issues in our parallel sessions
  • Going beyond genomics – technologies to transform healthcare
  • Progress and prospects for personalised medicine
  • Plenty of time for Q&A, discussion and networking

Health innovations are evolving rapidly. Get ahead by joining us on 28 November and learn how the best innovations get into practice. Book here

PHG Foundation works to ensure biomedical innovation delivers better health for all. We do this through shaping the conversation, providing the evidence, analysing policy and advocating for change. View our recent work on genomic data sharing and getting pathogen genomics into practice. PHG Foundation is an independent health policy think tank based in Cambridge.