One Day on Compressive Sensing – Advances in theory, algorithms, and applications

University of Bath, 1 June 2017

Compressive sensing is a powerful mathematical theory widely used in Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering and Physics.

Central to this theory is that sparse quantities can be reconstructed using a small number of random measurements.

Recent years have seen an explosion of research activities within this interdisciplinary field, and compressive sensing techniques have now become of key importance in signal processing applications, including medical and astronomical imaging.

Bringing together world-renowned experts and early career researchers, this workshop will:

  • give participants a common understanding of the theory of compressive sensing
  • present recent theoretical and algorithmic developments within the field
  • address key applications

The workshop will also cover interconnected areas including:

  • sampling paradigms
  • theoretical estimates and algorithms for recovery
  • TV regularisation
  • radio-interferometric astronomical imaging
  • tomographic imaging
  • Throughout the workshop, there will be ample networking opportunities aimed at fostering collaborations between scientists in the field of compressive sensing.

Workshop programme

09:00 Registration and coffee
09:25 Welcome and initial remarks
09:30 Dr Silvia Gazzola, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath – Introduction to Compressive Sensing
11:00 Coffee and discussions
11:20 Dr Thomas Blumensath, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton -Greedy algorithms for Compressed Sensing
12:05 Dr Xiaohao Cai, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London – High-Dimensional Uncertainty Estimation with Sparse Priors for Radio Interferometric Imaging
12:50 Lunch and discussions
13:40 Professor Jared Tanner, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
14:25 Dr Clarice Poon, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge – Breaking the coherence barrier in compressed sensing
15:10 Coffee and discussions
15:30 Dr Marta Betcke, Department of Computer Science, University College London – Structured guided Total Variation
16:15 Dr Yves van Gennip, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham – QR deblurring and image segmentation
17:00 – 17:30 Concluding remarks & reception

Venue: University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY – Building 4 West, Room 1.1

For more information and to register visit