NIHR Stroke Research Workshop 2018

The second UK Stroke Research Workshop, organised under the auspices of the NIHR CRN Stroke Speciality, will be held on 11th and 12th September 2018 at Clare College, Cambridge . Please see the following link for a preliminary programme here.

The workshop promises to be a very exciting day and a half with some excellent speakers. It will also provide a great opportunity for exchanging ideas between experienced stroke specialists and other young researchers. It will be held in the beautiful surrounding of Clare College, in the centre of Cambridge, with a conference dinner on 11 September in the Old Hall. There is accommodation available on site.

There will be updates on latest stroke research including sessions on Stroke Imaging, Acute Ischaemic Stroke & Reperfusion Injury, New Technologies in Stroke Recovery, Heart & Brain, and Inflammation & Stroke, as well as sessions on Research Mentorship and Career Development.

For more information please visit