International Matheon Conference “Compressed Sensing and its Applications,”

December 4-8, 2017, at the Technische Universität Berlin.

This conference will bring together the leading mathematicians working in Compressed Sensing and the leading engineers from a number of its application areas such as Imaging Science, Radar Technology, Tomography, or Communication Theory, to report on recent developments, to promote a dialogue between applied mathematicians and engineers, and to foster new developments and collaborations.  There will also be a second focus area on Deep Learning, given the expectation of useful interactions between Compressed Sensing and Deep Learning.

Plenary Speakers are:

* Michael Burger
* Ingrid Daubechies
* Joachim Ender
* Rob Nowak
* Gabriel Peyré
* Joel Tropp
* René Vidal
* John Wright

For further details including the list of invited speakers, details on venue, and scientific and social program) at