Cambridge Centre for Analysis Seminars
Debunking myths – things you thought you knew about patents and why they’re not (necessarily) true Free lunch from 12.45. Industrial seminar
With Dr Camille Terfve and Dr Michael Moore, Keltie LLP

Debunking myths – things you thought you knew about patents and why they’re not (necessarily) true
Patents can sometimes be seen as unhelpful – getting in the way of the rapid dissemination of discoveries, preventing collaborative or open research and development, in short an unnecessary distraction
and hindrance to your research. However, in this era of impact scores and increasing need to show relevance of your research to the outside world, we want to debunk the myths around patents and show how, when
managed appropriately, patents can be used as a tool to enhance your reputation, support funding efforts and promote fundamental as well as applied research.
Free lunch from 12.45. Industrial seminar
- Speaker: Dr Camille Terfve and Dr Michael Moore, Keltie LLP
- Tuesday 14 May 2019, 13:00–14:00
- Venue: MR4.
- Series: Cambridge Centre for Analysis talks; organiser: CCA.