Cambridge Technology Platforms Network (CTPN) Launch

A new network for technology platforms and core facilities in Cambridge will be launched on the 24th May 2018, 2-4pm at the CRUK Cambridge Institute, Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

The mission of the CTPN are to connect scientific research facilities around Cambridge that have capacity and can support technology services and development of technology for further research. Through CTPN, scientists will be able to identify multidisciplinary opportunities for grant applications and business cases to enable scientific collaborations. CTPN will act as a point of contact for companies to develop and commercialize new technologies and provide a link to engineering companies for prototyping and new technology showcasing.

The launch event aims to connect technology experts, core platform managers, scientists, clinicians, postdocs and students.

Speakers include: Dr Kenneth Seamon (CRUK Cambridge Centre); Dr Malcolm Lowe-Lauri (Cambridge University Health Partnership), Prof Jim Haseloff (Cambridge Synthetic Biology); Dr Giles Yeo (Metabolic Research Laboratories and MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit); Prof Kathryn Lilley (Cambridge Centre for Proteomics); Dr Kathryn Chapman (Milner Therapeutics Institute); Dr Kevin O’Holleran (Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre); and Dr Ronan Daly (Institute for Manufacturing, Dept Engineering).

All are welcome to attend, please book your place here: