Cambridge Light Microscopy Spring Course 2018

Cambridge Light Microscopy Spring Course 2018

Tuesday 17th – 19th April 2018

contact: microscopy (at)

Lectures: Each day: 9:15am & 4pm – Welcome and Free to ALL!!
Where: CRUK CI and MRC-LMB Lecture Theatres (s. schedule below)

Location: CRUK CI, MRC LMB, CAIC, Gurdon

The course is aimed at microscopy users and developers who wish to connect with imaging experts and core facilities in and around Cambridge. We are looking to provide an overview of new and existing imaging techniques, in addition to identifying multidisciplinary opportunities to facilitate scientific collaborations. The course will also provide a link to microscopy companies for the discussion of emerging techniques and applications for new scientific questions.

The course will consist of practical rotations and seminars based in several locations in Cambridge

Places are limited to 16 for the practical sessions. The seminars are open to all.

The course fees are £100 for the three days including lunches and the course dinner on 19th April

To register your interest in the course, please submit the Questionnaire-Microscopy-Spring-Course-MTB available from the website by email to with the subject ‘spring course 2018’ by Friday 6th April.

Please download and distribute the poster.

Full Programme available here:

Public Lectures – All Welcome!!

17th April: Cellular Imaging

09:15 – 10:00: Seminar (MRC LMB Lecture Theatre) Emmanuel Derivery: Polarised trafficking during asymmetric cell division
16:00-17:00: Seminar (MRC LMB Lecture Theatre) Brad Amos: Title – Mesoscopic Imaging

18th April: Whole Organism/Large Sample Imaging

09:15 – 10:00: Seminar (CRUK CI Lecture Theatre) Gopi Shah: Light Sheet Microscopy
16:00-17:00: Seminar (CRUK CI Lecture Theatre) Ruth Sims: Volumetric Imaging

19th April: Super Resolution Imaging

09:15 – 10:00: Seminar (CRUK CI Lecture Theatre) George Sirinakis and Edward Allgeyer: Super-resolution Imaging
16:00-17:00: Seminar (CRUK CI Lecture Theatre) Steven Lee: Super-resolution imaging