Cambridge Brain MRI Meeting

The fourth Cambridge Brain MRI Meeting will take place on Wednesday 21th November 15.00 – 17.00. The meeting will be in the Herchel Smith Ground Floor Seminar Room, Forvie Site, Robinson Way, ( Unfortunately the Institute of Public Health large seminar room is not available for this meeting but will be available for future meetings.

We are delighted to welcome Prof Peter Jezzard from the University of Oxford, and Dr Tara White from Brown University, USA as our external speakers. We also have 2 excellent talks from internal speakers.


Chair: Chris Rodgers, Hugh Markus

15.00-15.40         Peter Jezzard, Univeristy of Oxford – Advances in the Assessment of Cerebrovascular Disease using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

15.40-16.00         Ajay Halai,  Predicting behavioural deficits in chronic post stroke aphasia using multi modal imaging

16.00-16.20         Tara White, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA  – title TBC

16.20-16.40         Kamen Tsvetanov,   Understanding age differences in brain  signal variability with  vascular factors

16.40-17.00         Radiographers update, DataBlitz and discussion

17.00                Refreshments

We will repeat the DataBlitz for projects not presented last time so if you, or anyone from your group, has a slide they would like to present about their work please do email it to Chris Rodgers on  before Friday 16th November at 17.00. If somebody is new in your group please do encourage them to attend and present, even if it’s to present future planned projects at the DataBlitz rather than finished work.