Annual Symposium of the Cambridge Computational Biology Institute

Annual Symposium of the Cambridge Computational Biology Institute, organised in collaboration with Cambridge University Health Partners, with sponsorship from AstraZeneca and ARM

This one-day event will cover a wide range of Research Departments from Astronomy to Engineering, involving speakers from diverse backgrounds across the University and region. This year’s Symposium will feature a strong focus on health and health research.

Outline of the day: 09:00 – 17:15 (coffee and registration from 08:30; drinks reception until 18:15)

Sergio Bacallado (DPMMS) A Bayesian mixed model for the analysis of microbial populations
Jonathan Cairns (Babraham Institute) Understanding the function of non-coding disease mutations with 3D genomics
Erik Clark (Zoology) Dynamical models of insect segment patterning
Ali Dariush (Astronomy) A multi-disciplinary approach towards analyzing medical imaging data
Lydia Drumright (Medicine) Intelligent use of routinely collected data (and samples): increasing research efficiency and transforming medical care?
James Liley (Dept of Medicine) Characterisation of genetic heterogeneity in disease
John Marioni (CRUK CI/EBI) computational methods for single-cell transcriptomics
Keith McNeil (NHS England) Keynote Address
Andreas Petrides (Engineering) Substrate enzyme-sequestration in multisite protein phosphorylation
Aylwyn Scally (Genetics) Patterns and processes of germline mutation
Gopi Shah (CRUK CI) Light sheet microscopy: prospects and challenges of high speed volume imaging

Registration required